The network of Museums for the care of people with disabilities as an initiative of Museos de arte popular and El Templo Mayor, was created in 2013 in order to develop a network of cultural spaces dedicated to the promotion of our heritage and culture. These networks seeks to help revert the marginalization of people with disabilities in events that they often offer.

Since then, over 45 museums and 3 zoos, who with the aid of public and private entities dedicated to the support of people with disabilities, have joined this network. They are collaborating to –in accordance with the general purpose of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities and the objectives of the Interamerican Convention—create strategies of inclusion to eradicate any kind of discrimination against people with disabilities. These objectives are also shared by the Mexican Legislature.

Through this network we share and exchange knowledge and experiences with the purpose of developing aid programs, museographic elements and information materials in every cultural event and space that are adjusted to the necessities of people with disabilities to allow them to fully enjoy our patrimony and culture.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the work we are doing. The undertaking of creating inclusive cultural spaces and museums is, from our point of view, the democratization of our culture.

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