The only moment in which the existence of technology acquires true meaning is when it improves the lives of people.

The arrival of 3D printing has improved in many industrial aspects, but since its beginnings over 30 years ago, one of the sectors that has benefited the most with this technology has been rehabilitation medicine. This technology allows the 3D printing of prosthesis which in turns, allows people who have suffered the loss of a part of their bodies to have a better quality of life. The speed of fabrication and low costs makes this technology accessible to many. Nowadays multiple people benefit directly from this technology due in part to a number of organizations and associations that sponsor and facilitate the access to 3D prostheses.

The Convention about the Rights of People with Disabilities

Like everyone else, people with disabilities are citizens: they have rights and obligations. However, in the year 2000, and with the collaboration of one of the leaders in human rights, Gilberto Ramón Gallardo, the Mexican government proposed in the United Nations (UN), the creation of a document that protected the rights of people with disabilities: The Convention about the Rights of People with Disabilities (TCRPD).

The TCRPD is an international treaty in which the rights of people with disabilities, as well as the obligations of the States Parties in the convention, are compiled in order to promote, protect and safeguard the above mentioned rights.

This has been the first treaty on human rights of the XXI century and it was widely accepted by several countries. In Mexico, the treaty came into effect on May 3rd, 2008.

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