Ergonomics studies the conditions of adaptation of a work place (a machine, a vehicle, etc.) to the physical and psychological characteristics of the worker/ employee.

In July 12, during the ‘Cuarta jornada universitaria: Design and Accessibility for Disability, we were able to witness the outstanding work done at the ergonomic laboratory of the science and art division for the design of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco, whose objective is to provide human beings a better quality of life through new and innovative proposals for the design of objects and surroundings.

In addition to their contribution to social inclusion through product design, the Laboratorio de ergonomía, provides services like training, workshops and advice; all these services promote and facilitate an independent life for people.

We would like to extend our appreciation to Ruth Fernández Moreno and Areli González, both teachers and members of the Laboratory. Also, we would like to thank students of the UAM-Azcapotzalco for their enthusiasm, contribution and creativity for research and development of projects performed at the Laboratory.

We extend an invitation to other associations and companies dedicated to service, as well as civil organizations, to reach out to us and share their projects.

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